Here you will find the questions, answers and Scripture proofs for the Shorter Catechism, together with a brief explanation.

    • Q.102

      Psalm 68:1, 2 Thessalonians 3:1 & Romans 10:1

      The Westminster Shorter Catechism

      Q.102. What do we pray for in the second petition?

      A. In the second petition, (which is, “Thy kingdom come,”) we pray that Satan’s kingdom may be destroyed, and that the kingdom of grace may be advanced, ourselves and others brought into it, and kept in it, and that the kingdom of glory may be hastened.

      Scripture References:

      Psalm 68:1
      2 Thessalonians 3:1
      Psalm 51:18
      Psalm 67:1-3
      Romans 10:1

      The Westminster Shorter Catechism in Modern English:

      Q.102. For what do we pray in the second request?

      A. In the second request (your kingdom come) we pray that Satan’s kingdom may be destroyed, that the kingdom of grace may be advanced, with ourselves and others brought into and kept in it, and that the kingdom of glory may come quickly.


      1. What is meant by “Thy kingdom” in this question?

      The word “kingdom” in this question has a twofold meaning: (1) The kingdom of grace in which He exercises His work in the hearts of His people. (2) The kingdom of God’s glory in the other world. The first is the beginning of the second.

      2. What does our petition involve when we pray “Thy kingdom come” to our Lord?

      First, we are praying that God’s kingdom of grace might have free course in this world and that God might be glorified. Further, we are praying that Satan’s kingdom on this earth might be destroyed. Further, we are praying that His kingdom of grace might make those of us who are believers as those who are strengthened and established here on this earth. Second, we are praying that the second coming and appearance of our Lord may be hastened. We should be earnestly praying that this will come in His time and that we will be ready for it.

      3. What is the “kingdom of Satan” referred to in the above answer?

      The “kingdom of Satan” is everything in the whole universe that is contrary to the will of God. Satan has as the seat of his kingdom the heart of every man and woman by nature.

      4. How can Satan’s kingdom be destroyed?

      It can be destroyed only by the work of Christ, the Son of God, who came to destroy it (1 John 3:8). It is destroyed partially when the Holy Spirit works in the hearts of sinners, through the Word of God, and conversion takes place. It will finally be destroyed when Jesus Christ comes again.

      5. What would be one good test that our prayer, “Thy kingdom come” is sincere?

      When we delight to do the will of God (Psalm 40:8).